NMP® percutaneous neuromodulation course


  1. To know the neuroanatomy of the upper limbs, lower limbs, thorax and neck.
  2. To know the physiology of nociceptive and neuropathic pain.
  3. To understand the modulation of the higher centers.
  4. Know and learn all the safe approaches for the neuromodulation technique.
  5. Apply the technique correctly in the pathologies, with effective protocols for the management of multiple pathologies.
  1. Number of teaching hours: 30 hours.
  2. You will learn the technique of NMP®, anatomy, needling techniques, safe approaches for the application of neuromodulation.
  3. The teachers are specialists and physiotherapists with recognized experience in this field.
  4. Practice: Approaches in different parts of the anatomy.
  5. Use of the EPTE® Bipolar System device with sanitary CE.

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