EPTE Bipolar System

EPTE Bipolar System is a medical device for health professionals that combines several techniques that expand the therapeutic range of electrostimulation for the treatment of various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and peripheral and central nervous system.

It is a nationally manufactured device that meets all quality standards, being the perfect tool for the application of techniques such as tDCS. It is a versatile, compact, portable and easy to use equipment that has the capacity to adapt the parameters to achieve any protocol established by scientific evidence to treat different pathologies.

The EPTE® Bipolar System device is CE certified according to the new European MDR directive, the only device on the invasive neuromodulation market with this certificate.

What techniques can be applied with the Epte Bipolar System?

Percutaneous Therapeutic Electrolysis (EPTE)

Percutaneous Therapeutic Electrolysis, EPTE, consists of the application of microcurrents through an acupuncture needle. In this way, the healthcare professional has direct access to the damaged soft tissue and induces its self-recovery.

Percutaneous Echoguided Neuromodulation (NMP)

Neuromodulation is a painless, fast and without side effects technique that consists of the intervention of the functioning of the nervous system, both peripheral and central, through the insertion of acupuncture needles or dry needling and the application of electrical currents.

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)

Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive and painless brain neuromodulation technique that applies a low intensity galvanic current to the scalp to stimulate specific areas of the brain.


  • It allows the application of several techniques that open a new therapeutic window for the treatment of different pathologies affecting the nervous system.
  • Accelerates patients’ recovery times.
  • The use of Epte Bipolar System in patients reduces the consumption of analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • The application of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive and painless technique.


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