Percutaneous Electrolysis Therapy EPTE

What is EPTE® Percutaneous Therapeutic Electrolysis?
EPTE® Percutaneous Therapeutic Electrolysis is a revolutionary technique for the treatment of different musculoskeletal dysfunctions, being its main application in its beginnings, but not the only one, the tendon dysfunction. It is considered an effective technique in different clinical entities, fast in its application and helps to shorten recovery times, which is more important for the patient.
How is the technique applied
The application of the technique is performed by introducing a bipolar or monopolar needle for medical use on the musculoskeletal tissue in dysfunction, which connected to a medical device of electromedicine, applies a galvanic current of low intensity with a therapeutic objective.
The application of the current sets in motion different processes that help the recovery of the affected tissue and causes a controlled inflammation, necessary for recovery. Low intensity currents only produce a slight itching in the patient. In 48 hours, mobility is recovered and the pain generated by the injury is reduced.
To maximize the safety and effectiveness of the treatment, the application of the technique is performed in an ultrasound-guided manner.